

HOTEL INFORMATION WARNING: Please be aware of scam companies. The only official travel agent for VIV Asia is BTC Group.
Our official & recommended suppliers can be found via our website only.

Like previous editions, BTC Group is appointed as the official housing and travel agency for VIV Asia 2025. BTC GROUP has carefully selected the official VIV Asia 2025 hotels to offer you the most convenience in terms of comfort and commuting. On behalf of VIV, BTC Group negotiates special hotel rates for exhibitors & visitors. Please keep watching this space for updated information on your stay.

BTC Group
Mr. Hans van Buuren
Email: vivasia@btcgroup.nl
Website: www.btcgroup.nl
Telephone Netherlands: +31 657 99 62 82

VNU Exhibitions Europe/VIV does not get a commission nor any other kind of financial kickback for the services you book with our partners. We are not in favor of such actions and support our exhibitors quest in obtaining a fair price.